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What To Do When Children Bite (Part 2)

IMG_3037Wait? There was a part 1?  Yes – on September 5, 2012.  I occasionally forget to finish my blog-thoughts.  Thanks to a reader for pushing me onward to part 2!

As our children grow, we hope to nurture them into assertive adults.  Children who act aggressively need support to temper that aggression.  Children who are victims need support to verbalize their needs and stand up for their rights for physical and emotional safety.

Here are some lessons I have learned from my mentors and wise educators about how to help: (more…)

Just In Time For Black Friday: A List Of What NOT To Buy For Your Young Ones

IMG_5478If you are a parent, you know what it’s like to be inundated with consumerist messages: Buy this nifty gadget, and your child will love it/grow up to be a genius/stay entertained for hours.

If you are a teacher, you know the feeling of flipping through the tantalizing glossy pages of teacher-supply catalogs: The secrets to classroom behavior management/language learning devices/unparalleled support for children with special needs/”your students will be reading by the time they are mobile”!

If you work with young children in any capacity, you know that while attending conferences, shopping for groceries, checking email, or listening to the radio, marketers work tirelessly to convince us all that more is better, and products are the key to lifelong success and happiness.

I’m not buying it. (Pun intended.)

In protest to the bazillions of messages you will all get over the next weeks (more…)

How New Words Might Transform Our Care For Young Children (Guest Post By Kelly Matthews)

kidsI visit a lot of programs in my current role and spend time watching teachers and children interact in typical child care settings – I look at what is available for children to play with, listen for how teachers speak with children, watch children’s interactions, and examine how educators document children’s learning in the program.

One of the things I review is the written schedule, and the terms that programs use to name their time together are always striking to me.  Often there is Arrival, (more…)

Why I Hate "Pink"

????????????????I was traveling recently, and as I stood in the security line at the Sacramento Airport, I noticed something: I was surrounded by variety.

A couple sporting matching hula pantsuits, avid sports fans showing off jerseys and matching hats, people of all ages with assistive devices including wheelchairs, walkers, and breathing machines.  There were travelers with dogs, travelers with international (more…)