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Children With Big Fears

I receive questions from parents and educators on a regular basis, and often think – Well, I know what I would do, but how would someone else respond?   Our tools and strategies are embedded in our own cultural background and adapt to fit the needs of our individual children.  One person could never have the answers for every situation! 

When I read this question about childhood fears, I invited four wise early childhood professionals to offer a range of perspectives on how to they might respond.  I hope you find some strategies and tools from the following mix of responses that might help you in your journey.  If you have a difficult situation with your children and need some ideas, please contact me.

“Dear Emily,

Rhea* has a fear of flying. The last time she flew was on a five hour flight when she was three.  She was nervous, but when the flight came, it was largely uneventful.  A few months ago we were supposed to fly to visit my parents. Rhea had made some comments about not wanting to fly. We bought her some toy airplanes and we talked about what it would be like and I really thought she would be fine. Well…she wasn’t.

Long story short, we had to get off the plane because she would not stay seated – her fear was too intense.  We are planning a trip in six months to be with family.  Rhea has been saying that she isn’t going to go. She says we can go without her, or we can have our family reunion closer to home.  She is only four, and I don’t think she has any concept of airplanes crashing.  I don’t think that’s at the root of her fear.  In her words, she is afraid of going high and fast.  Do you have any advice on how we can help her overcome this?”

Ijumaa Jordan

Childhood fears are common and a normal part of child development. The world is a big and complex place and children have very little control and power over it. At the same time these childhood fears can be perplexing for adults because they don’t make sense to us. Nevertheless, adults are charged with supporting children in overcoming these fears. From the description, I’m curious about the root of Rhea’s fear: what is scary about going high and fast? I would have several low-key conversations with her about that particular fear and fears in general.  Books can help with those conversations. Two books that I find useful are Courage by Bernard Weber and Wemberly Worried by Kevin Henkes.

Also, since your next trip is several months away I would begin to make a plan with Rhea about going on the plane ride, because staying home alone is not a choice. I would also play airplane and play being the passenger, the flight attendant, the pilots. This may help Rhea articulate some of her fears about traveling by plane.

Amanda Morgan, Not Just Cute

I would recommend using the technique Dr. Daniel Siegel calls “Name it to Tame it” in his book, The Whole-Brained Child.  You can read more about it in his book and many writings online (here’s one video that explains a bit about it as well as this one), but essentially, you would talk your child through your flight in storytelling fashion, step by detailed step, giving her the chance to “pause” and “skip” the parts of story when she feels scared as well as ask questions.  You could also tell the story of when she flew as a three year old, letting her tell part of the story as well.

This uses both the logical and emotional parts of her brain, which has a calming effect, but also gives her control of the story and an awareness of what will actually happen.  At the same time, it gives you insight into which parts she’s really afraid of.  When you isolate the moments that cause the most anxiety for her, you can reassure her and talk about strategies for dealing with those moments (squeezing your hand, holding a lovey, etc.) so that she has a plan for coping with anxious, worried feelings.

Kelly Matthews, A Place For You Early Childhood Consulting

Addressing issues like these outside of a relationship or context with the child/family is extremely difficult, but even outside of the context, my first impulse would be to try and normalize the object of the child’s fear (airplanes, in this example).  Adults can use books, small panes, stuffed plush planes, etc.  I think also writing a story with drawings, if possible, about that child and a plane riding experience that ends well (and is honest about the child’s discomfort) may be helpful to read at night.  Making a list about what might be scary about it – now that she isn’t on the plane – and working through those ideas can also be helpful.  

Heather Shumaker, Starlighting Mama

It is important to consider here that there might be a real fear of flying which might need different experts to weigh in, not necessarily parenting ones.  However, from a parenting perspective, I would suggest finding the real fear.  Sometimes it helps to do this with puppets instead of just talking and asking questions. The puppet can have a fear of airplanes and the child can help him out and offer comments and solutions. Kids often can help puppets even if they can’t help themselves.  Another approach is to say “you’re really afraid of airplanes. I wonder why?”  Young kids sometimes have bits of knowledge that confuse them.  For example, when I was 5, I was scared of my teacher.  I refused to touch or be near her. She had freckles all over her arms.  I though they were measles and that I would get a terrible disease if I went near her.  Sometimes kids have legitimate fears that can be explained if we understand the true root of the fear.

*Names have been changed.


A huge THANK YOU to my panel:

IMG_1807Ijumaa Jordan works as an early education consultant, focusing on the areas of play, social justice/anti-bias work, and reflective practice. She is a Harvest Resources Associate, adjunct instructor at Pacific Oaks college, and has worked in South Africa as a Lead Early Education Fellow.




AmandaMorgancirclepic cropAmanda Morgan is a graduate of Utah State University with BA in elementary and early childhood education and an MS in childhood development.  She currently teaches preschoolers and works as a consultant and trainer for a non-profit children’s organization.  She enjoys teaching other teachers and parents about child development and teaching strategies.


KellyKelly Matthews, owner of A Place For You Early Childhood Consulting in Oshkosh, WI joyfully explores learning with people of all ages. A popular ECE speaker, Kelly gets to travel and meet with early educators across the country, creating professional development sessions that make room for teachers’ voices, thoughts, and full selves. Kelly is also proud to be one of the Harvest Resources Associates.


Heather Shumaker 2012_27 4x5 colorHeather Shumaker is the author of It’s OK NOT to Share…And Other Renegade Rules for Raising Competent and Compassionate Kids (Tarcher/ Penguin, 2012) which was named one of the Best Parenting Books of 2012 by Parents magazine. She’s been featured in Huffington Post, New York Post, Parenting,,, and other outlets.

Holding to What We Know

The view from our new apartment - a storm rolling in across Lac Léman.

The view from our new apartment – a storm rolling in across Lac Léman.

My family just moved from California to Lausanne, Switzerland.  We are excited about all of the opportunities that await us in our new home, but we are realistic about the time it will take us to adjust to the big things (new language and school system), as well as the small things (the metric system and living without a car).

Not surprisingly, I have visited the grocery store nearly every day in the last eight since we arrived. I have also baked chocolate chip cookies, (more…)