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Staying Present With Our Children

Staying Present With Our Children

If you’re a parent, you’ve probably heard, “Enjoy them when they’re young! They grow up so fast!” But what if we stopped trying to “enjoy” our children, and practiced staying present with our children?

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Helping Children Say Goodbye Without Distracting

Helping Children Say Goodbye Without Distracting

Toys serve as emotional distractions, and if children don’t learn to manage strong emotional feelings when they are young in healthy ways, what things will substitute for toys as children grow up? Kelly Matthews shares her insights.

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The Biggest Problem with Child Care in the United States

The Biggest Problem with Child Care in the United States

Cost is not the biggest problem with child care in the United States. The biggest problem, the “gateway problem” to solving all other problems with child care in the United States is that the parties who share the most immediate investment in the process do not understand each other.

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